Biltong: A Versatile Snack That Goes Beyond Tradition
Biltong is more than just a dried meat snack; it’s a culinary gem with a distinct flavor and texture that sets it apart from similar foods. While it has deep roots in Southern Africa, its appeal transcends borders, making it a favorite among meat lovers worldwide. What makes biltong unique is how it is prepared and its versatility in everyday meals, making it more than just a standalone snack. The Art of Drying Meat The preparation of biltong is an intricate process that relies on simple ingredients and time-honored techniques. The key to biltong’s unique flavor is its minimal processing, where meat is cured with natural seasonings and dried to perfection. The drying process doesn’t just preserve the beef jerky ; it also intensifies its flavors, creating a savory and satisfying product. Unlike other dried meats like jerky, which is often smoked or cooked, biltong undergoes a slower air-drying process. This allows it to maintain a tender texture while preserving its natural juices. Usi...