What Is Biltong? The Essential Guide To The Tastiest South African Snack
Biltong is South Africa's favorite snack, popularly known for its flavor and high-protein content. To many people, it is more than just a snack; it was part of their culture. But what exactly is biltong, and why does it capture the taste buds of so many? This guide will go through everything that you need to know about biltong-from its origins to its health benefits and why it's finding a way into your global snacks basket. What Is Biltong? Biltong is a type of meat product that goes under the process of drying and curing; its origins are from South Africa. The word "biltong" originates from the Dutch words "bil" meaning buttock or meat, and "tong," which means strip. Typically, biltong is made from beef, but sometimes other game meats of ostrich, venison, or even chicken can be used. Unlike the common North American beef jerky, biltong has undergone a special curing process. The meat is set in a mixture of vinegar, salt, and spices such as coriand...